MV Westward Arriving in San Diego

It is now 0500 on Monday, January 4. Westward is about 9 miles NW of Palos Verde and is 99 miles from the San Diego Harbor entrance buoy.
We sailed from Port Townsend, Washington last Monday night at 2200, and since then have traversed all but 99 miles of the west coast.
With the exception of rounding Point Conception it has been a calm voyage, but we did get sorely tested early this morning.
We spent over 5 hours covering 20 miles, battling 30 knot head winds and large seas. But since there were no options we kept pushing and finally, at about 1400 this afternoon, we were able to bring the engine (which has been running continuously for more than 7 days) could be brought back up to full speed.
Westward should arrive in San Diego tonight before 2100. And her crew will sleep like hero’s before beginning to prepare her for the last leg of her passage from Port Townsend to La Paz, Baja California Sur.
There are powerful storm systems now lined up and heading for Southern California, so i plan to let them pass before sailing on, which will probably be sometime Friday.